Dipping the Pen in the Company Ink
I had just got out of a six-month relationship before I started bouncing and I had no intentions of getting locked up into another relationship. I had been working at the club for a full month before I met a girl named Lindsay. Lindsay was a captivating brunette with a sharp mind, a nurse no less, and five years my senior. She lived in my building and I noticed her from the start, yet our schedules never met.
It was not until a tenant meeting that one older woman asked me what I did for a living and I notified her that I worked as security at the local strip club. Lindsay instantly took an interest and the rest you say was history. I guess it just reinforces the fact that girls love bad boys. We would date on and off for the next six months.
The best pick-up line I ever used was cheesy, yet got the job done. There was a group of girls who came into the club and they looked to be around the age of 25+. The mischievous party of me asked for ID from just one of them. She turned out to be 32, yet I even got her to recite her address and date of birth. I handed her ID back to her and apologized for the confusions since I could of swore she was not a day over 19. She blushed, her friends laughed, and I purchased the girls a round of drinks. The girl I carded (Jessica) was ten years my senior. I ended up going home with her that night. I just love the older ladies I guess.
Now people constantly ask me, why didn’t I hit on any of the dancers and try to go home with them. I just simply answer, “After a full night of horny men pinching their Asses and drooling all over them, the last thing they need are security doing the exact same thing, don’t you think?
Well I guess Susan was the exception, but that will be for another time.