Wednesday, August 24, 2005

It Takes Guts

Many people don’t understand the effort that goes into exotic dancing. Peoples’ general impression is that exotic dancing is a dirty, degrading and sexist profession. They may be right, however, that’s what makes it so interesting. Try going to your local sin bin, and just watch the girls as they make their rounds. It takes endless energy and guts to approach complete strangers and solicit for a private dance. Has anyone ever considered the toll that rejection may take on a girl’s self-esteem and self-confidence? No!

I witnessed the emotion every night, and on a few occasions, I saw girls completely breakdown. Some people are just not cut out for this type of trade. As I got to know the regular girls, each of them would reveal a little of their fears, hopes, dreams, and problems. It was very interesting to hear their angel on things.

To be an exotic dancer, you need nerves of steel. Retail sales and exotic dancing are the same in many ways. You offer a product, if the customer takes the product, then all is well. If a customer rejects the product, offer a rebuttal. If the customer will not take the bait, smile, and move on to the next customer. As with sales, there are good nights, okay nights, and dead nights. I did observe that the older veterans (Stephanie and Stacey) never seemed to have bad nights, because they knew how to push, and how to sell while the younger girls would be sitting around and complaining about how slow it is and how cheap everyone is.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Once upon a time I thought dancers had easy. Then I because really close friends with one and learned the truth. Hard work, persistence, and the ability to shrug off rejection were the key attributes she banked on.

10:26 PM  

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